The Truth About the Pope Shenouda III , the terrorist

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The Truth About the Pope Shenouda III , the terrorist

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الموضوع: The Truth About the Pope Shenouda III , the terrorist

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  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2011
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    03:19 AM

    افتراضي The Truth About the Pope Shenouda III , the terrorist

    The Bully Patriarch

    The Truth About the Pope Shenouda III , the terrorist

    Presented to the Honorable of the World

    By: Mohammed El-Kaaoud

    Nazir Gayyed Rofael is the true name of Shenouda III, Patriarch of the orthodox Copts who assumed hold of Mary Morcos on 14th November, 1971 to become the first terrorist butcher patriarch in the history of orthodox patriarchs in

    Nazir Gayyed was born on 3rd August, 1923 in the Salam Village in Asyut Governorate. His mother perished only hours after his delivery, perhaps because she knew that she gave birth to the most dangerous shedder of blood in modern age.

    There are no doubts at all for most followers of events that Shenouda III, the orthodox patriarch suffers from several psychological disorders. Probably, his need for mother's affection made him even crueler and not knowing the sense of sympathy or mercy. In addition, the bad treatment he got from his brothers and father caused him to be more dis******************************************ed and spiteful at society. Moreover, his miserable early life made him fond of riches, wealth and luxury. This lowly early life was sufficient to form a blood shedder terrorist who became out of the blue and in the absence of attention of history and time a patriarch of the Copts and encouraged by criminality and terrorism to dream of establishing a Coptic State in Egypt whose capital would be Asyut, the same governorate in which he was born.

    Shenouda joined the faculty of Arts, history department and obtained the bachelor degree. Then he joined the army and was chosen as an officer among the iron guards who worked for Hitler and the Nazi Germany. He was discharged from the army due to a disgraceful reason. After that he joined a monastery and became the monk Antonious El-Syriani. During the period of monasticism, Shenouda embraced his terrorism blood thirst thinking which coincided with his complex nature that was filled with numerous psychological disorders. His ideas concurred with a group of monks who were disciples of Habib Gergis, founder of the clerical college and Sunday Schools, who called for expelling the Muslims of Egypt and announcing Egypt as a Coptic State!
    Since the time Shenouda III was a monk, he has dreamt of attaining the chair of papacy by any means, no mater how despicable it is. He wanted to hold this position so much that he participated with a group of orthodox youth led by the Coptic terrorist, Ibrahim Helal, in the abduction of the Pope Yosap II in 1954 during a state of infatuation by the terrorism doctrines of their master, Habib Gergis, who talked lengthily about what he called "The Coptic Nation", and that Egypt must be Christian and what he called "Arab Occupation" must be destroyed!
    Shenouda managed to escape before the police chased him. However, others who participated with him in the abduction of the former Patriarch of Copts, who suffered from old age and sickness, were arrested. After a while, the death of the Pope Yosap II was announced and he was succeeded in 1959 by the first magician to take charge of the patriarchy of the orthodox Copts. That was the Pope Cyril III who was famous of practicing magic, charlatanism and underworld spells as well as spreading magic in the quarters of Morcus Church in an attempt of his to retrieve Egypt from the Arabs according to his opinion which Shenouda shared.

    The Pope Cyril summoned his companion and friend, the monk Antonious to ordain him as a bishop of education by the name of Shenouda III. Shenouda's mission, through education was to instigate Copts to hate Muslims, perform armed acts against them, spread the hatred culture among them, and make them learn by heart that Egypt is their country and Muslims had come from Arabia to occupy their country, kill their grandparents and rape their women.

    Shenouda could undertake his mission perfectly till he created a generation of Copts that became to believe that Egypt is an occupied country, a generation that renounced from Arabic language preferring English instead and announces its wish to establish a Coptic country in Upper Egypt. Terrorist Shenouda managed during all the sixties of the twentieth century to play with the minds of Copts till he created the chronic sectarianism riot problem which he could enflamed ferociously after being assigned the papacy duties on 14th Novemebr, 1971.

    Since he became a patriarch of Orthodox Copts, Shenouda has kept creating sectarianism riot problems and annoying Muslims through usurping the lands of the state and erecting churches on them with no legal grounds which provoked Muslims and caused a clash which Shenouda uses to report it to the news agencies which in turn visualize things as if it were an organized persecution against Copts contrary to truth.

    Additionally, Shenouda with his multiple psychological disorders believes that he is the "Savior" who must prevent any Copt of embracing Islam. Thus, he committed several murder crimes against those who convert to Islam in Egypt among whom the most famous was Wafaa Kostantin, the wife of the Copt Priest, who announced her Islam in 2004. Shenouda secluded himself in the monastery for her in order to practice pressure over the Egyptian Government to hand him the lady who announced her Islam, and he actually she was handed to him. Then he killed her so that her traces would be hid forever. Despite the fact several law organizations demanded Shenouda, the Patriarch of Copts to show to the public Wafaa Kostantin; however, he overlooked their demands to confirm in doing so that he had killed her.

    Several other cases witness to the terrorism and criminality of Shenouda. Coptic young women and ladies voluntarily convert to Islam, and then Shenouda shows the matter as if it were abduction, rape and compulsion to embrace Islam using the fact that Americans and Europeans are not aware about the truth of the matter as well as the joining of the Morcus Church to the International Coptic Council founded by the CIA. Likewise, he urges the Coptic Churches which he established in Europe, America, Australia and Canada to spread a lot of untrue news in these societies in the purpose of inciting the world against Egypt and its people with its overwhelming vast nation of Muslims (Muslims in Egypt are 96% of the total population).

    There was a time when Americans asked: why do they hate us, meaning the Islamic world. The answer to this question is that the American government listens to the lies of terrorists like Shenouda in order to interfere in the affairs of Islamic countries. At present the majority of the Egyptian people regards the terrorist Shenouda as a person who turns to the American Government to pluck up courage against Egypt in order to enforce the Egyptian Government to submit to his blackmail and lies though Shenouda is a blood shedder murderer that must be tried before the International Justice Court for his committing murders against who announce their Islam among the Copts.

    In the late eighties of the twentieth century, the deceased Egyptian President Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat deposed from his office as a patriarch of the Copts and appointed five bishops instead of him. Then he kept him under house arrest at Wadi El-Nitron monastery due to his danger to security and peace. Unfortunately, Mubarak in 1985 returned Shenouda to his office as a patriarch of the Copts in 1985.

    Shenouda is no more than a bully terrorist and he is not a patriarch and knows nothing about the ethics of the Christ or Christianity because he is so far from principles and religion. He only wants to spread his malice among the peaceful Egyptian society.

    The Egyptian judicial authority condemned Shenouda and plainly accused him that he wanted to create a sectarianism riot problem and shed blood in Egypt. Furthermore, the Judicial authority asserted a terrifying statement which came out of Shenoud's mouth as he said objecting to some articles of the Egyptian Constitution: "I'll shed blood up to the knees from Alexandria to Aswan" that is to say Shenouda wanted to shed blood from the farthest north of Egypt to the farthest south of Egypt.

    He is a criminal by all means and he instigates riot and disrespects the sanctuaries of Muslims to the extent that he appeared in an Arab Television Channel advocating the insults of some priests against Islam. Moreover, he scorned the Messenger of Islam Muhammed PBUH and he ridiculed the messenger when he talked about "the urine of the Messenger" provoking the anger of the Egyptian and Arab countries.

    Shenouda III believes he is a deity, and he lives in the atmosphere of the Middle ages. Once he enters the Church, several bishops prostrate in front of him while the others kneel with the forehead touching the ground for him and the common Copts kiss his feet.

    The Copts started worshipping him and believe in his divinity. Even when he reused giving marriage permits to the divorced, they agreed and supported him despite the fact that they knew he is ruining their lives. However, their belief in his divinity made them bless any step he takes. If they had had sane people among them, they would have known that Shenouda is psychologically disturbed. Monasticism has affected his behaviour because he was never married and never knew a single woman all his life that is why he generalized his sick conception to the common Copts.

    Unluckily, the Western Governments believe such terrorist who distorted the image of the West in Egypt. In addition, it is unfortunately that western governments welcome some extremist Copts who allege that they are persecuted in Egypt despite the fact that they get all their rights which exceed that of Muslims.

    Shenouda III, Patriarch of Orthodox Copts, is a terrorist who works on spreading sectarianism riot, disintegration of the Egyptian society and disrespect of Islamic sanctuaries and all the western countries, governments and nations, should realize this truth.

    Shenouda III is a terrorist.

    Copts in Egypt enjoy all rights and advantages.

    There is no abduction of young women or ladies in Egypt and they are not compelled to convert to Islam.

    Churches in Egypt are absolutely free and their numbers exceed that of mosques.

    Copts in Egypt occupy numerous remarkable positions.

    Number of Copts in Egypt is less than 4% of total population

    Shenouda III pursues whoever announces embracing Islam

    Shenouda III is a dangerous terrorist who master the art of acting and claims innocence whereas he is a timed bomb exactly as the president Sadat described him.

    It is about time that the Western world says to Shenouda: " That's enough, enough, enough, you liar terrorist. It is enough what you have committed since 1971 to 2011."
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة د/احمد ; 04-07-2011 الساعة 06:21 PM

    «« توقيع د/احمد »»

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2008
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    01:33 AM


    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
    May Allah`s peace , mercy and blessing be upon you

    awesome dear bro

    «« توقيع abcdef_475 »»

    وَهَزَمَ الأحْزَابَ وَحْدَهُ

    זכור אותו האיש לטוב וחנניה בן חזקיה שמו שאלמלא הוא נגנז ספר יחזקאל שהיו דבריו סותרין דברי תורה מה עשה העלו לו ג' מאות גרבי שמן וישב בעלייה ודרשן

    תלמוד בבלי : דף יג,ב גמרא

    تذكر اسم حنانيا بن حزقيا بالبركات
    ، فقد كان سفر حزقيال لا يصلح ان يكون موحى به ويناقض التوراة ، فاخذ ثلاثمة برميل من الزيت واعتكف في غرفته حتى وفق بينهم .

    التلمود البابلي : كتاب الاعياد : مسخيت شابات : الصحيفة الثالثة عشر : العمود الثاني


The Truth About the Pope Shenouda III , the terrorist

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The Truth About the Pope Shenouda III , the terrorist

The Truth About the Pope Shenouda III , the terrorist