Earthquakes and the Holy Quran

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Earthquakes and the Holy Quran

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الموضوع: Earthquakes and the Holy Quran

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2008
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    12:35 AM

    1 25 Earthquakes and the Holy Quran

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Earthquakes and the Holy Quran

    God says in holly Quran:
    In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
    ( When the earth is shaken with its (final) earthquake * And when the earth throws out its burdens * And when man will say: what is the matter with it? )

    God says in holly Quran
    In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
    “ By those (angels) who pull out (the souls of disbelievers and wicked) with great violence * By those (angels) who pull out (the souls of the believers) * And by those that swim along * And by those that press forward as in a race * And by those angels who arrange to do the commands of their Lord, (so verily you disbelievers will be called to account) * On the day (when the first blowing of the Trumpet is blown), the earth and the mountains will shake violently (and everyone will die) * The second blowing of the Trumpet will follow it (and everybody will be raised up) * Some hearts that Day will shake with fear and anxiety * Their eyes cast down.”


    The Miracle :

    These two verses describe some scenes of the Doomsday, and one of these scenes is the great earthquake that will strike the earth on that Day.

    The word “when” here in the 1st verse compain between the meaning of condition and surprise. This is because earthquakes happen without the knowledge of people and without a previous warning.

    Allah glory be to him describes for us the terrors of the Day when the earth throws out its burdens from its core to its surface.

    Most of the interpreters agreed that the statement “And when the earth throws out its burdens” refers to the raising up of the dead out of their graves accompanied with the buried treasures underground.

    And here I say –whatever the interpretations of this statement is- that one of the reasons of the ordinary earthquakes is the ascent of materials out of the deep layers of the earth to its surface, also the volcano that happens as a result of earthquake proves what I am saying.

    These ordinary earthquakes that man is and was facing along history killed millions of human beings and lead to a significant change in the appearance of Topographies, also it lead to the ascent of huge amounts of core rocks to the surface of the earth! So what about the shaking of the Doomsday that will extend to the whole earth? How will the mountains and the seas blow up and how the earth and the mountains that will be removed from their places and crushed with a single crush if the esoteric pushing power is not a great shaking? ! Can this scary reality happen and the earth changes to another change to another earth as came in the divine statements? Can the earth throw out its burdens and push out its high density melted rocks to the surface of the earth that will spread out?

    The Holy Quran pointed in these verses to a wonderful scientific fact which is the earth throwing out its burdens as if these burdens are hidden inside it, so on Doomsday these burdens will come out to the surface of the earth, and this is a proof on the disorder if the laws and that points to the end of the world.

    Science discovered the trueness of the Quranic verse and its conformity with Science and Geology.

    Geology scientists say that if we examine the layers of the earth from the surface to the nucleus, we will find that the specific weight of rocks increases gradually as long as we get nearer to the nucleus as the percentage of the compounds containing irons and its different oxides increases.

    There are two reasons for the increase in the density:

    1) The increase in pressure because as long as we go deeper into the layers of the earth the weight of the layers of the earth increases.

    2) Weightiness sort out operations: because of the high temperature in the nucleus of the earth and its center which enables the centralization of the heaviest and the highest

    density iron elements in the nucleus, the same time the sedimentary and the granite rocks then the basalt rocks are centralized in the upper layers of the earth crust.

    Iron and its different oxides Fe O and Fe203 with small amounts of nickel and iron sulphate are centralized in the nucleus of the earth

    And as a result of what we have said before the specific weight of the nucleus increases (4.4 – 5.3).

    Great amounts of the deep internal layers of the earth with high specific weight will rush out to the surface of the earth when the great shaking of the Doomsday occurs.

    The coming schedule illustrates the increase in the values of the specific weight and the density in the inner layers of the earth as they are linked together in relation to the structure of the earth.

    Allah glory be to him says:

    By those (angels) who pull out (the souls of disbelievers and wicked) with great violence (1) * By those (angels) who pull out (the souls of the believers) (2)* And by those that swim along (3)* And by those that press forward as in a race (4)* And by those angels who arrange to do the commands of their Lord, (so verily you disbelievers will be called to account) (5) * On the day (when the first blowing of the Trumpet is blown), the earth and the mountains will shake violently (and everyone will die) (6)* The second blowing of the Trumpet will follow it (and everybody will be raised up) (7)* Some hearts that Day will shake with fear and anxiety (8)* Their eyes cast down (9).)

    If we examine the verses (5 and 6), we find that they appear as if the were two paintings for the same scene of an earthquake.

    Interpreters were divided among themselves in illustrating these two verses. Most of them said that “Al-Rajefah” is the first blowing in the Trumpet and “Al-Radefah” is the second blowing in the Trumpet. Others said that “Al-Rajefah” refers to the earth and “Al-Radefah” refers to the Hour (of Judgment).

    Also others said that “Al-Rajefah is the quaking and “Al-Radefah” is the shout (As-Saihah).

    While a small number of interpreters said that “Al-Rajefah” refers to the turmoil of the earth and “Al-Radefah” refers to the quaking.

    I think that the last opinion is the most realistic one, and there is no difference between the turmoil of the earth and the quaking.

    A certain order takes place when earthquakes take place as follows:

    Usually at the beginning and before the strike of the main great shaking, slight introductive shakings take place known by the (For Shoch) and after these shakings there comes the strong destroying quaking.

    Then after a relative short period of calmness another completing shaking occurs to complete the task of the main shaking which is destroying and damaging what wasn’t destroyed before especially in the strong earthquakes, these shakings are called (After Shoch).

    In my opinion, the Holy Quran meant by “Al-Radefah” this completing shaking (The After Shoch). The After Shoch is weaker than the first shaking in general, however the opposite may happen.

    Talking about Earthquakes by this accuracy in the Holy Quran is a scientific miracle.


    Reference :

    Earthquakes, the change and the development of the earth in the Holy Quran" by Dr. Shaher Gamal Agha

    «« توقيع H.R.M »»

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2007
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    12:09 AM


    جزاكم الله خيرا على الموضوع الطيب

    Talking about Earthquakes by this accuracy in the Holy Quran is a scientific miracle.


    «« توقيع ~ الجهاد ~ »»

    إضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها بالحجم العادي

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2008
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    12:35 AM


    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    [marq]جزاكم الله خيرا على المرور الطيب[/marq]

    «« توقيع H.R.M »»

Earthquakes and the Holy Quran

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Earthquakes and the Holy Quran

Earthquakes and the Holy Quran